Healing and Help Ministry


  • Minister to the senior citizens in Nursing homes spiritually, physically, and materially.
  • Our Vision is to Increase the ministration to 4 homes by the end of first quarter the year 2024.

Strategy to achieving the mission statements:

  • Worship, short exhortation, and prayer with the residents of the homes for 20 mins.
  • Celebrate on monthly basis the elders’ birthday in the 3 homes.
  • Be a part of their Easter, Valentine, and Christmas celebrations by providing cakes and fruits.

The Strategy of Ministration:

  • Minister at the 3 homes every second Saturday and fourth Saturday from 10AM – 12PM.
  • The total time of all ministration must not exceed 20 mins so as not to excite those with Dementia and short attention span.
  • The message is simple and brief for easy understanding.


  • Some Elders gave their lives to Christ during ministration.
  • Some requested to be prayed for.
  • We have witnessed the transformation in the lives of those who are eagerly looking forward to our ministration and have noticed the joy and peace they have compared to those who disdain the word of the Lord.
  • There appear to be a growing number of those who are eager to hear the Word and wish we would be there every week instead of the fortnight that we are presently doing.


  • Inadequate funds to meet the needs of the ministry.
  • The inadequate number of workers to meet the target of the ministry imagine if we can boast of 8 active members, we can cover 4 homes simultaneously.
  • Due to the nature of the ministry, we are constrained by HIPPA not to advertise our clients on social media the church.

Which way forward?

If you have a passion to care for the elderly, please see Pastor Ronke Soetan and Bro Uchenna Nwafor

If you can’t go with us, you can send your money.

As you become a part of this ministry, the LORD will satisfy you with long life and your children will not abandon you in a Nursing home.